Texas Roadhouse Nutrition Facts with one serving are in various menus. First is Onion Blossom ΒΌ Onion Blossom with dipping sauce. Nutrition fact of it in one serving size that about 100 gram are: calories with 787 gram, calories from fat are 633 gram, total fat is 70.3 gram, cholesterol is 77 mg, sodium 1261 mg, potassium 266 mg, carbohydrates 33.2 g, and dietary fiber is 2 g with 6.8 g sugar and 8.1 g protein.
Other menus of Texas Roadhouse Nutritious
Another menu is Sweet Potato with Butter. It is contained of 250 calories with 72 g calories from fat, and the total fat is 8 g, with 5 g saturated fat, 2 g monounsaturated fat. Per serving, it is also contained with 10 mg cholesterol, 110 mg sodium, 503 mg potassium, and 48 g carbohydrates. The carbohydrates are contained with 8 g dietary fiber, 10 g sugars, and 3 g protein. This menu contains 369% vitamin A, 5% vitamin C, and 4% Calcium, and 4% Iron.
Talking about the next menu, it is about Grilled Pork Chop. It contains 520 g calories with 81 g calories from fat. The total fat is 9 g with 3 g saturated fat. It also has high cholesterol, about 110 mg with 210 mg sodium and 46 g protein. If you love meat, you can try New York Strip Steak with 584 calories. It contains 144 g calories from fat. The total fat is 16 g with 8g saturated fat. The cholesterol is higher than pork; it is 172 mg with 212 mg sodium and 100 g protein.
Asian Menu with Rice
If you are Asian, you should know the nutrition facts that contained with rice. The first is Seasoned Rice. Per serving, it contains 199 mg calories, with 45 mg calories from fat. The total fat is 5 g with 34 g carbohydrates and 5 g protein. Do not like rice? You can change it with potato in Bake Potato Plain. Its serving size is 299 g. the calories in it are 278 g with 0 calories from fat, and no fat. It has many carbohydrates.
For veggies, it is good for you to try Cinnamon Honey Butter. It contains 30 calories with 27 g calories from fat. The total fat is 3 g. you also can try Side Salad that contains with 5 g total fat. It contains 2 g saturated fat, 200 mg cholesterol, and 87 mg sodium. It has 47 mg potassium and 8 g carbohydrates. How about Steam Salad? It has zero total fat and only contains 90 g calories with 20 g carbohydrates and 4 g protein. House Veggies is another choice for veggies. T contains 90 g calories with no total fat. It has 20 g carbohydrates and 4 g protein. However, House Salad with No Dressing has more calories than all veggies menus above. It has 121 g calories, with 5 g total fat and contains 8 g carbohydrates. Try it!